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Shamley Green Environment Group

Caring about the Environment in Shamley Green

On mild damp evenings our local toads, frogs and newts risk their lives crossing the road - you can save them from being squashed!!!
click here for details

What do we do?


  • Work to improve the environment in Shamley Green, working with the Parish  Council Commons Working Party (CWP)​

  • Identify and secure approval and finance for projects

  • Learn about all our wildlife and try to improve the biodiversity in Shamley Green

  • Try to involve the whole village, and have fun!

These are the areas we are looking at:

Anthocomus fasciatus by Jean-Raphael Guillaumin (CC BY-SA 2_edited_edited.jpg
reduce reuse recycling refuse 2.png
Longacre badger hide looking out.jpg

If you have any ideas or you would like to be kept informed of our activities and how to take part please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you

to see what we have been doing and what we are planning

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