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About Us

Who we are and what we do

The Shamley Green Environment Group, created in 2020, advises the Parish Council and promotes environmental initiatives in the village. It publishes a yearly plan of objectives in the village media. It maintains an overview of village environmental initiatives aiming to facilitate, not constrain, good ideas. Go to our reports page to see what we have planned for this and previous years, and reports of how we got on each year.


We are all volunteers with differing backgrounds, but all keen to help make Shamley Green a better place for wildlife and people living here. Different groups lead work on individual projects and programmes, often with overlapping membership, which we encourage. At present these groups include amphibians, ponds, trees, mowing and wildflowers, evidence gathering and publicity. There will be others as new projects emerge.


Environment projects on Common Land will normally need Parish Council approval. It is revising its plans to make tackling climate change and promoting biodiversity a focus as it takes on responsibility for more Common Land from Waverley. Some finance is available through the Parish Council, but also through the Wonersh Foundation and other Trust Funds as well as private donations.


Many projects will require compromises that balance promoting the environment with neighbours’ or recreational needs, such as changing the mowing regime to promote biodiversity, but we are keen to be as collegiate and consensus-driven as possible.


Current committee members are: Jim Drummond (chairman), Regena Coult,

Glynis Drummond, Kate Elmes-Rudd, Henrietta Griffiths, Alison Harding, Chris Howard,

Claire Jenkinson, Jane Lovett, Claire Merriman, Sally Townsend-Smith



We try to keep our supporters informed about our activities by publishing regular news articles on our news page and sending newsletters and requests for help with upcoming projects to the people on our mailing list. If you would like to be added to the list please contact us and you will have regular updates sent to your email address.





Nov 22 request.jpg
March 23 newsletter.jpg

About our advisory role

One of our roles is to work with Wonersh Parish Council to consider the environment when making decisions about the management of our Common Land.

Click the following for information:

tree management

ponds management

mowing and ditches

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